Friday, May 29, 2009

Why aren't we flying? Because getting there is half the fun. You know that.

Since Sydney was off track this month, Tim took some time off (gasp) and we drove up to Washington for a long weekend. That's 11 hours in a car (each way) with Sam (and Syd too - but mainly Sam. Sydney has always been a good traveler). Yikes. This was Tim's idea, obviously. But I figured we had to do it eventually. I was hoping for a few more years to pass, but I'm an adventurous soul, don't you know? It went a little better than I expected and we made it with our sanity (well - most of it. I suppose it didn't help that I stayed up late watching the 2 hour season finale of "Lost" the night before we left - thanks for nothing JJ). And the drive back wasn't as bad, even though I was up with Sam sick all night before we came home. Luckily my dear husband drove the whole way. Although, that left me to attending to every whim for the two passengers in back. Sigh. Wait - I'm onto you dear husband.

Once we covered that long expanse of road, we had a great time. On Friday all of us girls drove back down to Oregon to visit our aunt and cousins that just moved from Indiana a few months ago. Aunt Janice served us a wonderful lunch, including vegetarian fare for us leaf eaters. Oregon is beautiful. We were amazed at all the bright flowers and different shades of green. I forgot what green truly looks like after all this time in the dessert. It's like going from black and white to technicolor!! It was great to catch up and see how everyone has grown. Except for the adults of course. :-) Haven't grown a bit. And Sydney and Sam were very excited to meet their 2nd cousins!! Hopefully we will see them again soon!

And of course, the girls love their cousin Loren so they had a blast with her. We went to Northwest Trek on Saturday and saw lots of critters. We ate and shopped and ate some more. It was good to get away and see my family. On the way back through, we dropped the girls at my parents for 4 days. If I put into words how much I enjoyed THAT you will probably think I am a terrible mom. :-) I still get giddy thinking about 4 days alone in my house during the day, and alone in the evening with my hubby. Sigh. Crap, I think I was supposed to just talk about how much I missed them. Which I did. Eventually. :-) OK, pretend you didn't hear that. Here are some pics to help you forget...

White Wedding.....

I have fond memories of trying on my mom's wedding dress when we were kids. So a few years ago I broke the seal on my gown and let the girls try it on. Here is this year's bunch. Sorry - no pics of me in it. It fits but just barely. :-( No more pizza for me...

Top Model

So Sydney was in a fashion show last month with her Girl Scout troop. It was the highlight of her year. She wasn't the least bit nervous and stole the show, in my opinion. Although, I now have to try to convince her that she doesn't want a career as a model. Sigh.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oh California.

What in the world is going on over there? I had such high hopes that someone higher up would have some common sense. But nope. Nada. Seriously? Are we really going to continue to tell the gay and lesbian community that they are second class citizens? Are we really letting the voters decide the rights of a minority? Really? Why is this even up for vote? Why is this even something that is decided state by state? I'm pretty sure that the idea of equal rights is something that goes hand in hand with being an American. Along with freedom of religion, and freedom FROM religion. I get if it is something that your religion doesn't support. Fine. So your church doesn't have to perform gay marriage. You can tell me all you want how you don't support it. But should your religious beliefs REALLY take away the freedoms and equalities of others? Do you really have to put laws into effect that prevent a family from the same protections as yours, even if the family looks different or offends you? Can you imagine how it must feel? Can you for one moment, put yourself in their shoes? Isn't compassion and empathy something that Jesus taught? Not alienation and judgement. Sigh. One day. Some day. Soon I hope.

Must blog

Oh my dear blog. I promise tomorrow I will update you. Truly, I will. I have lots of wonderful pics and good stuff to add. Although, not so much on the recipe side of it. Kind of hard to find new recipes when I am not cooking. Even the cookies I made yesterday were pre-made. BAD. BAD. I know. But the weather is too nice and the girls are such a joy. No time for slaving. Next week, maybe?

On another note, I went to Babiesrus on Tuesday for a shower gift. I should have known the reaction that place would have on my uterus. Although it was tough, I did actually make it out of there without bursting into tears. Seriously, mother nature. Leave my hormones ALONE. Tim's done. Apparently, so am I. :-( I should watch back to back episodes of Jon & Kate Plus Eight. That should cure it.

That poor family. Unlike most people (apparently), I like Kate. I relate to her on so many levels. Although, I would hope that if I watched myself treat my husband like a child for 2 years on prime time TV, I would find it in me to improve on myself. It was really sad watching them in two completely different places. I really hope they make it. My fingers are crossed. I can't imagine raising 8 kids alone, let alone 2.

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