Sydney is a little, shall we say, less courageous in regards to the whole roller skating thing. Perhaps she's intuitive about her daddy's feelings about skating, since every time I mention going he finds some other exciting activity to partake in. Hmmm....
So I somehow convinced her to go with me for a special day out with mommy to take roller skating lessons at the local rink. Alright, I bribed her with a new video game. Sigh. Her teacher must have been in his 80's. Very inspiring. She did really good for the first half of the lesson. Brave and tough - each time she'd fall, she'd get right back up. The last half, she must have fallen a bit too hard so with tears in her eyes, she wanted to give up. But thank goodness the sweet young girl that was helping out convinced her that she could do it. And she did. Without falling! I was very proud of her!! Now if I could only get Tim to take lessons. Maybe next week?
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